Circuit Board Repair and Rework Tools and Materials
When you consider all the bad things that can happen to
circuit boards to cause a reject, it’s a wonder how some of them survive at
all! They get nicked, cracked, broken, scratched, burned,
conductors get ripped up, plated holes get torn out. Some don’t pass final
inspection. Others become the victim of changed specifications or just may not
look right. That’s where we come in ...
Circuit Technology Center, is in the business of rescuing
problem circuit boards and giving them new life and productivity.
We offer you three options. When you don’t have the time or
in-house expertise, you can opt to send us your circuit boards and our
certified operators will repair and rework them for you. We also offer
for your technical staff at your site or at our 4,000 square foot Haverhill,
Massachusetts training center. If you decide to make your own repairs, we can
provide the kits and materials you need backed up by the most comprehensive
circuit board repair guide anywhere.
The kits and materials we offer are the result of
over two decades of expertise in circuit board repair. Included are products to
repair damage to surface mount and BGA pads, gold edge contacts, plated holes,
circuit board base materials and much more.
If saving time and money is part of your business plan, make
us part of your board repair and rework operation. We are continually
developing new and unique products and suggest that you check our website for
the most current information.
Preview the sections below for more specific information on our products.
Solutions Across the Board
Ordering Information