Training and Certification Kits
IPC 7721 Repair Skills Certification Kit
This kit is designed for experienced board repair operators
who seek to obtain official IPC certification. Operators complete the projects in the kit
at their own pace, without pressure or deadlines. Once completed, the kit is returned
for evaluation and official IPC
certifications. It’s a unique, hassle-free way to become certified.
IPC 7711 Soldering Skills Certification Kit
Instead of sending operators to certification classes for two or three days, they work on the projects in
this kit at their own pace. There are no deadlines, no pressure, no hassle, no
travel, or stay-overs. Once the projects are finished, they are return for
evaluation to receive the official IPC 7711 Soldering Skills Certification. It’s that simple.
IPC 7711 Rework Skills Certification Kit
This kit is a great way to get official IPC certification for circuit board rework
without the time and expense of traveling to attend classes. The kit contains challenging
repair projects. There are no time limits or schedules involved. Operators complete these
rework projects on a time-available basis and return the kit for evaluation to
receive the official IPC 7711 Rework Skills Certification.
IPC 7721 Circuit Repair Training Kit
This special training kit includes everything needed to learn and practice how
to repair damage of all types to circuit boards. The kit covers all types of
procedures including repair and replacement of plated through holes, lands,
circuit tracks, surface mount pads, gold contacts, base board, solder mask and
many others
Solutions Across the Board
Ordering Information