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Предлагаемый сайт предоставлен компанией Cizgi Electronics. За без малого десять лет со дня его создания, он не утратил актуальности для всех, кто интересуется ремонтом материнских плат, планшетов, смартфонов, ноутбуков и другой техники. Здесь есть полезная информация и для начинающих ремонтников, и для опытных специалистов.
Welcome to the largest and most experienced US company providing repair and rework services for assembled and bare circuit boards. We have been offering these services for 20 years and have saved our customers millions of dollars. Visit our Services page for more information.
The kits and materials we offer are the result of over two decades providing repair and rework services. Products include kits to repair damaged surface mount and BGA pads, gold edge contacts, plated holes, base board material, and more. Visit our Products page for more information.
Learn from the masters! What we know about circuit board repair and rework is fed directly into our training courses to make them practical and effective. You already have good technicians, but we can train them to be even better. Visit our Training page for more information.
The information in our online guidebook should be helpful to anyone who works with circuit boards and circuit board assemblies. This guidebook is packed with illustrations and videos and follows popular IPC standards. These guides will help you through the maze of challenges you face when working on modern, high density circuit boards. Visit our Guidebook page for more information.
Save Your Company
Money and Time!

Check out our circuit
board repair services.

Finding BGA Rework
a Challenge?

Call on the world leader.
Visit our BGA page for info.

Attend IPC Skills
Training Courses.

Learn from the masters
at Circuit Technology Center.

Circuit Board Repair and
Rework Encyclopedia.

Preview the most complete
repair guide anywhere.

Comprehensive Circuit
Board Repair Kit.

Includes everything needed
to repair damaged boards.

New Stencils for
BGA Rework.

Adhesive backing eliminates
solder paste bleed.

Get Your Operators
IPC Certified.

Totally new concept in
operator skills certifications.

Circuit Technology Center, Inc.