Circuit Technology Center
No. 2.6.1
Legend/Marking, Stamping Method

This method can be used to add, change or replace legend and markings on printed boards or printed board assemblies. This method uses epoxy ink and an ink stamp to place the legends on the printed board surface in much the same manner as taking a "finger print".

IPC-A-600 2.0 Externally Observable Characteristics
IPC-A-610 8.0 Marking
CTC 7721 1.0 Foreword
CTC 7721 2.1 Handling Electronic Assemblies
CTC 7721 2.2 Cleaning
CTC 7721 2.5 Baking and Preheating
CTC 7721 2.7 Epoxy Mixing and Handling
IPC 7721 2.6.1 Legend/Marking, Stamping Method

Color Agent/Epoxy Ink
Ink Plate
Ink Roller
Peg Stamps


  1. Clean the area.

  2. Scrape off any remaining character or legend with a knife and clean the area.

    Abrasion operations can generate electrostatic charges.

  4. Select the appropriate characters from the peg stamp set or have a special stamp made up.

  5. Mix the epoxy ink. White is the most common color. Spread a thin even coating of the epoxy ink on the ink plate or on a smooth surface.

  6. Gently press the peg stamp into the epoxy coating to coat the character surface.

  7. Gently press the peg stamp onto the desired location on the circuit board surface. (See Figure 1).

  8. Cure the epoxy ink per the manufacturer's instructions.


  1. Visual examination for proper characters, positioning and legibility.
Solutions Across the Board TM

Product Class:  R/F/W/C
Skill Level:  Intermediate
Conformance Level:  High
Revision:  C
Revision Date:  Jul 1, 1997 
Repair Service Charge

Damaged Legend

Figure 1: Apply legend using a peg stamp.

Figure 2: Completed legend repair.

Tricks of the Trade
A relatively simple process. Peg stamps can usually be obtained from a local office supply store. The epoxy ink used is specifically designed for legend application.

Real Problems, Real Solutions
This project completed by Circuit Technology Center involved a change to an etched part number on 146 assembled circuit boards valued at $96 each. The new part number had several different characters from the existing number, so the entire old number had to be removed and replaced. The old part number was removed by applying heat from a soldering iron that allowed each character to be peeled off with a knife. A one piece peg stamp was made including all 9 characters of the new part number. Adding the new part number was straightforward. These boards were headed to the scrap bin if the number could not be removed and replaced. Rework charge was $14.00 per board.
Total Value $14,016 - Total Rework Charge $2,044 = Total Savings $11,972
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