Circuit Technology Center
Prices, Terms and Delivery Information

Prices for circuit board repair, rework, and upgrade services can be estimat­ed by phone, fax, or e-mail, but exact prices are quoted after a full evalua­tion. If there are critical specifications, these should be noted on the purchase order.

Payment Terms
Net 30 days is available to qualified accounts. Master Card, Visa, company check and C.O.D. are accepted.

Minimum Order Size
Minimum order size is $50.00 for repair, rework, and upgrade service.

Shipping Information
Within the continental United States all orders are shipped F.O.B. origin. Orders will be shipped by UPS ground, unless otherwise specified. Large orders will be shipped by common carrier “best way collect” unless specific routing is required. Shipping and han­dling charges may be added to service orders if proper return packaging materials are not provided.

Damaged/Lost Shipments/Returns
Shipments damaged in transit must be reported to the carrier. Consignee must file a claim with the carrier.

How To Send Circuit Boards For Service
  1. Clearly identify the location on the circuit board where the repair or rework is required. Include detailed instructions whenever possible.
  2. Call to receive an Order Tracking Number. Include this number on the shipping paperwork.
  3. Properly package the circuit boards and ship them as directed. If this is your first order, call and we will fax you a Company Profile/Order Form sheet.
  4. Upon receipt of your circuit boards we will evaluate them and fax you an order confirmation listing the repair charge for each circuit board and the scheduled ship date. We will await your written authorization prior to repairing or reworking your circuit boards.
  5. Upon completion, your circuit boards are inspected, packaged and shipped back to you.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Circuit Technology Center guarantees 100% acceptance of any contract service work. Notify Circuit Technology Center of any dis­crepancy within 30 days after receipt.

Rush Charges for Services
Normal delivery for repair and rework services is 3 weeks. Premium charges may apply to rush orders as follows:
1 - 2 Days - 100% : 1 Week - 50% : 3 Days - 75% : 2 Weeks - 40%

Development Circuit Boards and Components Needed for BGA Profiling.
Circuit Technology Center, Inc. requests the use of engineering circuit boards (mechanical samples, development boards) for BGA rework temperature profiling. Although our experience and equipment are continually improving, it is impossible for us to guarantee optimal results without the appropriate development materials. Additionally, we advise caution in the reballing of removed BGA components. With proper care and processing, BGA components may be reballed with success. Still, maintaining control of the multiple heating processes is critical. We are often asked to perform BGA rework without development samples while using only reballed BGA components. When possible we try to accommodate these requests. However, the challenges imposed by these conditions will push reliability to its limits. Component size (length / width / height), the ball type, paste screen requirements, board size and heat absorption properties, adjacent component interference, and the availability of similar profiles are just some of the factors that impact successful reflow. Please keep in mind that successful BGA placement is not just performing reflow to permit the passing of the first functional test, but the for the life of the component. Successful BGA rework is demanding; a 99.8% percent success rate is a failure when there are 600 BGA balls to be reflowed! Thus, we require proper development boards for BGA rework. And generally will insist upon it. If you request that we should proceed without the proper development components and boards we cannot extend our usual 100% satisfaction guarantee.
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Circuit Technology Center, Inc.