Circuit Technology Center
Surface Mount and BGA Pad Repair

Surface mount and BGA pad repair are routine operations performed daily at Circuit Technology Center. Damaged pads are replaced with specially fabricated, adhesive backed pads that are thermally bonded to the board surface. This reliable IPC recommended method eliminates the need for using messy liquid epoxies to bond replacement pads in place. We stock thousands of different sizes and shapes of replacement pads.

Refer to the Reference Procedures below for a detailed review of the step-by-step procedures we follow to repair and rework circuit boards.

Reference Procedures - Service Charges
 No. Description First Area Additional Areas
4.7.2 Surface Mount Pad Repair, Film Adhesive Method $56.00 $13.50 Each
4.7.3 Surface Mount, BGA Pad Repair, Film Adhesive Method $69.50 $13.50 Each
Solutions Across
the Board

Typical damaged surface mount pads.

Quality replacement using the IPC recommended method.
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